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Social Engineering is the New Norm in Hacking | CSO

Social engineering has emerged as one of the most successful attack vectors in recent times. Advances in IT security have made it increasingly difficult to hack into a well-guarded enterprise. Network defences, encryption and smarter detection have forced cyber-attacks to look for easier targets which increasingly mean the soft underbelly represented by employees.

A social engineering attack, targeting the human factor, is typically carried out by an external assailant who deliberately manipulates an employee’s good intentions (i.e. their willingness to assist) or general curiosity, such as enticing them to click on a link in an email to a malicious website.

Companies are constantly evolving their security measures and technologies to prevent hackers gaining access to their networks. Hackers are becoming more sophisticated in trying to bypass advanced security defences through social engineering, which involves going around the network to target the aspect of a company where security is most neglected – the people. Our COO Murray Goldschmidt discusses in CSO.

For more information around social engineering visit our page. Sense of Security welcomes the opportunity to discuss and design a customised social engineering review that will assess your organisations ability to defend itself against this type of attack method. Addressing the human factors in cyber security that affect your organisation can improve overall cyber resilience

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